An open letter from concerned members of the UT community (2024)

Over the past fewweeks, the Rock has been covered twice with hateful symbols and violent threats that directly targeted the University of Tennessee's Jewish community. Like all hateful and menacing communications, these forms of expression are intended to intimidate and sow fear. This intention is more palpable when it singles out vulnerable or marginalized minority groups. And it is rendered even more stark coming in the wake of the anti-Semitic massacre of 11 Jewish worshippers in a Pittsburgh synagogue.

Confronted with these troubling campus incidents, the interim chancellor expressed his disappointment and responded that “the university does not condone these actions or other acts of intimidation or intolerance.”

An open letter from concerned members of the UT community (1)

We, the faculty and staff of UTK, recognize the need to go further: We unequivocally condemn expressions of hatred that threaten or intimidate or bring into doubt the value of diversity and inclusivity on our campus and in our city. And we express our strongest support for and solidarity with UTK’s Jewish students, facultyand staff, and all members of our community who have been targeted by this and other similar attacks. More than 500 people signed this open letter:

Free speech and academic freedom are central to a vibrant campus and rightly merit rigorous protection. But we must never allow protection of the free marketplace of ideas to prevent us from calling out forms of expression that harm rather than genuinely contribute to this marketplace. Among other reasons, such forms of expression have a chilling effect on the rights and freedoms of others, particularly when directed against minority or marginalized groups.

We all deserve a campus where hatred finds no purchase or succor. A place that not only is safe, but feels safe. In this spirit of safety and inclusion, our doors are open to you and we stand together with you.

Lauren Cunningham Accounting & Information Management
Phyliss Shey Academic Success & Transitions
Elizabeth Owen Admissions
Amadou B. Sall Africana Studies
Christopher Clark Agricultural & Resource Economics
Gina Pighetti Animal Science
Maria Prado Animal Science
Eliza Echeverry Anthropology
Jan F. Simek Anthropology
Lee Jantz Anthropology
Rebecca Klenk Anthropology
Graciela Cabana Anthropology
Tricia R. Hepner Anthropology
Albrecht von Arnim Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology
Andreas Nebenfuehr Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology
Keerthi Krishnan Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology
Rebecca Prosser Biochemistry & Cellular and Molecular Biology
Aly Chapman Biomedical and Diagnostic Sciences
Cody Harrison Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Douglas Hayes Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Joanne Logan Biosystems Engineering and Soil Science
Haileab Hilafu Business Analytics and Statistics
Patrick Watson Center for Literacy, Education & Employment
Niki Labbe Center for Renewable Carbon/FWF
William C Wilson Central Supply
Eric Boder Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Linda Sherman Chemistry
Steven Neal Chemistry
Amy Rauer Child and Family Studies
Hillary Fouts Child and Family Studies
Jo Lynn Cunningham Child and Family Studies
Julia Jaekel Child and Family Studies
Margaret Quinn Child and Family Studies
Megan Haselschwerdt Child and Family Studies
Chris Cox Civil and Environmental Engineering
Khalid Alshibli Civil and Environmental Engineering
Christopher Craig Classics
Jessica A Westerhold Classics
Maura Lafferty Classics
Robert Sklenar Classics
Stephen Collins-Elliott Classics
Andrew Sheehy College of Arts & Sciences
M. Robin Witherspoon College of Arts & Sciences
Patricia Anthony College of Arts & Sciences Administration
Deloris Mabins-Adenekan College of Arts & Sciences Advancement
Don Eisenberg College of Arts & Sciences Advancement
Jane S. Gulley College of Arts & Sciences Advancement
John McNair College of Communication and Information
Amy Morris Hess College of Law
Becky Jacobs College of Law
Benjamin Barton College of Law
Beth Ford College of Law
Brian Krumm College of Law
Briana Rosenbaum College of Law
Carl Pierce College of Law
Daniel Freeman College of Law
David Wolitz College of Law
Dean Hill Rivkin College of Law
Don Leatherman College of Law
Doug Blaze College of Law
Dwight Aarons College of Law
Eric Franklin Amarante College of Law
Gary Pulsinelli College of Law
Glenn Harlan Reynolds College of Law
Greg Stein College of Law
Joan Heminway College of Law
Joe Christian College of Law
Joy Radice College of Law
Judy Cornett College of Law
Kay Brown College of Law
Lori Thomas College of Law
Lucy Jewel College of Law
Maurice Stucke College of Law
Michael Higdon College of Law
Michelle Kwon College of Law
Paula Schaefer College of Law
Penny White College of Law
Ramona S. Armstrong College of Law
Robert Blitt College of Law
Sean Cary Gunter College of Law
Stanley Sands College of Law
Tammy Neff College of Law
Teri Baxter College of Law
Valorie K. Vojdik College of Law
Wendy A. Bach College of Law
Zack Buck College of Law
Iris Goodwin College of Law
Paula Williams College of Law (retired)
Fran Ansley College of Law, Emeritus
Joel Anderson College of Nursing
Mary Gunther College of Nursing
Sandra P. Thomas College of Nursing
Shelia Swift College of Nursing
Karen Messing College of Nursing
Karen Rose College of Nursing
Robin Hicks College of Nursing
Sandy Mixer College of Nursing
Bill Nugent College of Social Work
Christy Hickman College of Social Work
Freida B. Herron College of Social Work
Kim Crane Mallory College of Social Work
Lisa Reyes Mason College of Social Work
Shandra Forrest-Bank College of Social Work
Federica Morandi College of Veterinary Medicine
Lorna Keathley Communication Studies
Sharon L Smith Communication Studies
Suzy Prentiss Communication Studies
Isabel Solange Muñoz Department of Geography
Andrew D. Steen Earth and Planetary Sciences
Bill Deane Earth and Planetary Sciences
Devon Burr Earth and Planetary Sciences
Josh Emery Earth and Planetary Sciences
Nicholas Dygert Earth and Planetary Sciences
Edward Schilling Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Karen W Hughes Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Monica Papes Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Nina Fefferman Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Randy Small Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Susan Kalisz Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Xingli Giam Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Susan Kalisz Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Louis Gross Ecology & Evolutionary Biology/Math
Kenneth H Baker Economics
Marianne Wanamaker Economics
Matt Harris Economics
Gary Skolits Educational Psychology & Counseling
Laura S. Wheat Educational Psychology & Counseling
Lauren Moret Educational Psychology & Counseling
Mitsunori Misawa Educational Psychology & Counseling
Ralph G. Brockett Educational Psychology & Counseling
Amir Sadovnik Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Bruce MacLennan Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
David J. Icove Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Isaac Sherman Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Itamar Arel Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Micah Beck Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Richard Bennet Engineering Fundamentals
Anne Langendorfer English
Bill Hardwig English
Brad Bannon English
Caroline Wilkinson English
Chuck Maland English
Heather Hirschfeld English
Hilary Havens English
Janet Atwill English
Jeff Ringer English
Jessi Grieser English
Katy Chiles English
Laura L. Howes English
Laurie Knox English
Lisa King English
Lisi Schoenbach English
Mark Tabone English
Martin Griffin English
Melinda Backer English
Misty Anderson English
Nancy Henry English
Pax Gutierrez-Neal English
Rachel Dunsmore English
Rob Spirko English
Roy Liuzza English
Russel Hirst English
Samantha Murphy English
Josie Portz English
Anne Snellen English
Ben Lee English
Wendy Braun English
Marilyn Kallet English, Emerita & Knoxville Poet Laureate
Ilona Leki English, Emeritus
Bonnie Ownley Entomology and Plant Pathology
Ernest C. Bernard Entomology and Plant Pathology
Kurt Lamour Entomology and Plant Pathology
Margaret Staton Entomology and Plant Pathology
Rebecca Trout Fryxell Entomology and Plant Pathology
Dena Wise Extension Family & Consumer Sciences
Ashley Savage-Gilliam Facilities Services
Jay Price Facilities Services
Tom Anderson Facilities Services
Albert Auxier Finance
David Maslar Finance
Lisa Muller Forestry, Wildlife and Fisheries
Mark Collins Haslam College of Business
Alison Vacca History
Bob Hutton History
Chad Black History
Daniel Feller History
Denise Phillips History
Ernest Freeberg History
Jacob A. Latham History
Julie L. Reed History
Kristen Block History
Laura Nenzi History
Luke Harlow History
Lynn Sacco History
Margaret Andersen History
Mary Beckley History
Matthew Gillis History
Michael D. Cohen History
Monica Black History
Nicole Eggers History
Shellen Wu History
Chris Magra History
Marina Maccari-Clayton History
John Bohstedt History, Emeritus
Kristina Cantin Honors & Scholars Programs
Katie Cahill Howard H. Baker Jr. Center for Public Policy
Daniel Siksay Institute for a Secure & Sustainable Environment
Elizabeth Pemberton Institutional Reaeach & Assessment
Craig Wrisberg Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies
David Bassett Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies
Lars Dzikus Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies
Songning Zhang Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies
Ashley Cate Law Library
Beth Offshack Law Library
Eliza Fink Law Library
Michelle Cosby Law Library
Nathan Preuss Law Library
Scott Childs Law Library
Sibyl Marshall Law Library
Suzanne Smalley Law Library
Ed McDaniel Lock and Key Services
Katie Hodges-Kluck Marco Institute
David Keffer Materials Science and Engineering
Samantha Maness Materials Science and Engineering
Yanfei Gao Materials Science and Engineering
Alex Freire Mathematics
Heather Booth Mathematics
Jennifer Fowler Mathematics
Karin Pringle Mathematics
Larissa Weaver Mathematics
Michael Frazier Mathematics
Vasilios Alexiades Mathematics
Andy Sarles Mechanical, Aerospace and Biomedical Engineering
Roger Gray Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Toby Boulet Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering
Alison Buchan Microbiology
Elizabeth Fozo Microbiology
Frank Loeffler Microbiology
Heidi Goodrich-Blair Microbiology
Jeffrey M Becker Microbiology
Karen Lloyd Microbiology
Sarah L Lebeis Microbiology
Steven Wilhelm Microbiology
Tim Sparer Microbiology
Charlotte Longmire Military Science & Leadership
Adrian Del Caro Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
B. Alejandra Galindo Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Bernard Issa Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Beth Bradley Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Dawn Duke Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Drew Paul Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Flavia Brizio-Skov Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Gregory Kaplan Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Harriet Bowden Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Harrison Meadows Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Laura Trujillo-Mejía Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Luis Cano Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Maria Stehle Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Mary McAlpin Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Mia Romano Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Michael Handelsman Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Millie Gimmel Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Nuria Cruz Camara Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Rodica Frimu Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Rossy Toledo Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Sarah Eldridge Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Stefanie Ohnesorg Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Stephen Blackwell Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Susan Edmundson Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures
Catherine Crawley National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
Pam Bishop National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
Brian Wirth Nuclear Engineering
Ivan Maldonado Nuclear Engineering
Jamie Coble Nuclear Engineering
Lawrence H. Heilbronn Nuclear Engineering
Tonya Mathes Nuclear Engineering
Katie Kavanagh Nutrition
Kerri Martin Nutrition
Michael Zemel Nutrition, Emeritus
D. Renee Smith Office of Information Technology
Eric Moore Office of Information Technology
Andrew Seidler Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships
Diana Moyer Office of Research and Engagement
Alex Richardson Philosophy
Caroline Mobley Philosophy
Clerk Shaw Philosophy
Edward Falls Philosophy
Glenn C. Graber Philosophy
Jon Garthoff Philosophy
Jordan Baker Philosophy
Joseph Dartez Philosophy
Josh Watson Philosophy
Kristina Gehrman Philosophy
Mariam Thalos Philosophy
Matthew Pamental Philosophy
Nolan Hatley Philosophy
Sam Von Mizner Philosophy
Sarah Harper Philosophy
Tylor Cunningham Philosophy
Nora Berenstain Philosophy
Kathy Bohstedt Philosophy (retired)
David M. Frank Philosophy and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Hanno Weitering Physics and Astronomy
Nadia Fomin Physics and Astronomy
Sean Lindsay Physics and Astronomy
Stuart Elston Physics and Astronomy
Yuri Kamyshkov Physics and Astronomy
Chana Solomon-Schwartz Political Science
Christopher Ojeda Political Science
Ian Down Political Science
Jana Morgan Political Science
John Scheb Political Science
Jonathan Ring Political Science
Krista Wiegand Political Science
Kyung Joon Han Political Science
Matt Buehler Political Science
Michael Christopher Lussier Political Science
Nikki Mitchell Political Science
Wonjae Hwang Political Science
Joseph G. Jarret Political Science
Richard Pacelle Political Science
Conor McGrann Printmaking
Kristina Keg Printmaking
Caglar Tas Psychology
Daniela Corbetta Psychology
Deborah Welsh Psychology
Elizbeth Cooper Psychology
Gregory Stuart Psychology
Jacob Levy Psychology
Jeff Larsen Psychology
Jioni Lewis Psychology
Joe Miles Psychology
Kristina Gordon Psychology
Leticia Flores Psychology
Lowell Gaertner Psychology
Michael Olson Psychology
Ralph Lydic Psychology
Todd Freeberg Psychology
Patrick R. Grzanka Psychology & Women, Gender, and Sexuality
Gordon M. Burghardt Psychology and Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
Alvin G. Burstein Psychology, Emeritus
Chris Maguire Public Health
Clea McNeely Public Health
Debra Butenko Public Health
Jennifer Jabson Public Health
Julie Grubaugh Public Health
Kathleen Brown Public Health
Laurie L. Meschke Public Health
Wendy Smith Public Health
Samantha Ehrlich Public Health
Mary J Emmett RecSports
David Linge Religious Studies
Jacob Love Religious Studies
Manuela Ceballos Religious Studies
Mark Hulsether Religious Studies
Megan Bryson Religious Studies
Rachelle Scott Religious Studies
Randal L. Hepner Religious Studies
Tina Shepardson Religious Studies
Will Rall Religious Studies
David Kline Religious Studies
Helene Sinnreich Religious Studies
Raphael Panitz Religous Studies
James Williams Retail Hospitality and Tourism Management
Stefanie Benjamin Retail Hospitality and Tourism Management
Candace White School of Advertising and Public Relations
Courtney Childers School of Advertising and Public Relations
Aubrey Bader School of Architecture
Diane Fox School of Architecture
George Dodds School of Architecture
Gregor Kalas School of Architecture
Hansjoerg Goeritz School of Architecture
Jennifer Akerman School of Architecture
Julie Beckman School of Architecture
Katherine Ambroziak School of Architecture
Marleen Kay Davis School of Architecture
Robert French School of Architecture
TK Davis School of Architecture
Ashley Mays School of Art
Beauvais Lyons School of Art
Dana Potter School of Art
Deb Shmerler School of Art
Jason Brown School of Art
Jered Sprecher School of Art
John C Kelley School of Art
Joshua Bienko School of Art
Mary Laube School of Art
Paul Harrill School of Art
Paul Lee School of Art
Sarah Lowe School of Art
Suzanne E. Wright School of Art
Tatiana Potts School of Art
Amy Neff School of Art, Emerita
Rachel Fleming-May School of Information Sciences
Suzie Allard School of Information Sciences
Catherine Luther School of Journalism and Electronic Media
Erin Whiteside School of Journalism and Electronic Media
Lori Amber Roessner School of Journalism and Electronic Media
Mark Littmann School of Journalism and Electronic Media
Robert Heller School of Journalism and Electronic Media
Stuart N. Brotman School of Journalism and Electronic Media
Cecily Nall School of Music
Chris Jerger School of Music
Hillary Herndon School of Music
James Marvel School of Music
Leslie Gay School of Music
Lillie Gordon School of Music
Jacqueline Avila School of Music
Kelly Ellenburg Service Learning
Angela Rollins Small Animal Clinical Sciences
Linda Frank Small Animal Clinical Sciences
Abby Wintker Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Amy Wilson Hardy Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Chris Sissie Hadjiharalambous Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Chris Smith Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
David Martin Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Debbie Abrams-Cohen Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Emily McCutcheon Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Heather Wallace Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Maryanne Cunningham Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Max Taylor Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Michele Norris Social Work Office of Research and Public Service
Adria McLaughlin Sociology
Aya Barnes Sociology
Caitlin Mize Sociology
Darcy Ayers Sociology
Emily Medley Sociology
Grady Lowery Sociology
Harry F. Dahms Sociology
Jules Shelton Sociology
Kasey Henricks Sociology
Kyra Martinez Sociology
Lisa East Sociology
Lois Presser Sociology
Louise Seamster Sociology
Meghan Conley Sociology
Michelle Brown Sociology
Michelle Christian Sociology
Paul K. Gellert Sociology
Shirley Martin Sociology
Stephanie A. Bohon Sociology
Tamra Gilbertson Sociology
Tyler Wall Sociology
Zach McKenney Sociology
Bryan Clayborne Sociology
Jon Shefner Sociology
Ruben Ortiz Sociology
Victor Ray Sociology
Angie Bataille Student Health
Rebecca T. Lenear Student Health
Saralyn Dunphy Student Health
Alec Koondel Tennessee Fund
Abigail Langham Theatre
Calvin MacLean Theatre
Carol Mayo Jenkins Theatre
Casey Sams Theatre
David Alley Theatre
Gina Di Salvo Theatre
James E Diamond Theatre
Jason Fogarty Theatre
Kate Buckley Theatre
Lauren Roark Theatre
Sarah Gaboda Theatre
Shelly Payne Theatre
Terry Silver-Alford Theatre
Amelia A. Brown Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Anthony Pellegrino Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Barbara Thayer-Bacon Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Cheryl Shahan Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Dan Hoffman Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Emily Sherwood Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Joan C. Grim Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Joshua M. Rosenberg Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Joy Bertling Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Kimberly Wolbers Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Lynn Hodge Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Mehmet Aydeniz Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Nils Jaekel Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Nora Vines Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Patty Stinger-Barnes Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Sherry Mee Bell Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Stergios Botzakis Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Zoi A. Traga Philippakos Theory and Practice in Teacher Education
Georgia Caver Thornton Center
Josh Smyser University Mail Services
Amy Elias UT Humanities Center
Alan H Wallace UT Libraries
Allison McKittrick UT Libraries
Charissa Powell UT Libraries
Chris Caldwell UT Libraries
Chris Eaker UT Libraries
David Ratledge UT Libraries
Donna Braquet UT Libraries
Greg March UT Libraries
Louisa Trott UT Libraries
M. Nathalie Hristov UT Libraries
Mason Butler UT Libraries
Monica Ihli UT Libraries
Peter Fernandez UT Libraries
Pui-yi Li UT Libraries
Rachel Caldwell UT Libraries
Robin Cox UT Libraries
Teresa Berry UT Libraries
Troy Bidwell UT Libraries
Leah McCord UT Recycling
Nick Simson UT System Communications and Marketing
Emily Hoffman UTIA Marketing and Communications
Linden Craig Veterinary Medicine
Ward McMillan Volshop

An open letter from concerned members of the UT community (2024)


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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.